9 Creative Ways To Give Jewelry As A Valentine’s Day Gift
A piece of jewelry for Valentine’s Day is a timeless classic, but the longer you have been with your loved one, the harder it gets to come up with different gift ideas that are not the same as things you’ve presented in previous years. But it shouldn’t ever put you off buying jewelry.

The great thing about fine jewelry is that it is almost always the perfect gift but there are ways that you can make it even more special. Personal touches will always show that you have put extra effort into thinking about what to buy and how to hand it over and that can make all the difference between, “oh another piece of jewelry, how lovely” and “wow what a fabulous Valentine’s Gift, I love you even more than ever”.
You can get creative and have fun with the process and even make the whole thing a surprise.
Instead of just scouring the thousands of gift guides on the internet, read on for our Valentine’s Day gift ideas that don’t just suggest what to get but how to make it worthy of a truly special occasion. Here’s how to have the most perfect Valentine’s Day gift possible!
A Surprise Discovery
There is nothing better than discovering a Valentine’s Day jewelry gift in a place where you least expect it! Every girlfriend or wife expects something to be given to her on February 14th, so it is your job to try and make things as interesting as possible with the way in which you have it over!
Something small like a tennis bracelet, pair of diamond earrings, or sterling silver pendant necklace can be placed in an unsuspecting place for your partner to find by complete surprise, which makes the occasion a much more memorable one.
We’re thinking in her daily breakfast cereal box, in the bathroom cupboard where she keeps her daily skincare products, or anywhere else that you know for sure she is going to be looking at some point in the day!
Pet Delivery Service!
If you have a dog or cat at home who wears a collar, then enroll your beloved pet in your Valentine’s Day surprise. A jewelry box is lightweight enough to be attached to a collar without making kitty or pooch uncomfortable.
Something small like a heart shaped promise ring or a pair of stud earrings will be great gifts for your pet delivery service.
If you don’t have a pet, a stuffed toy can be a good substitute. Put your gift on a ribbon around its neck and leave the cuddly toy somewhere easily found.
Set Up A Treasure Hunt
A treasure hunt in your home to guide your partner to their gift of jewelry is a chance to be very creative.
It’s especially fun if your partner loves puzzles or a mystery or two. The more clever clues you can come up with, the more fun and rewarding the experience will be. You might include clues that hint at the present at the end of the search as well as directions to the next step. X marks the spot might mean a diamond necklace or a gemstone bangle.
If you are planning to pop the question, making your intended concentrate on the search for her gift is a great way to deflect any suggestion of a proposal. Imagine the excitement of coming to the end of the treasure hunt to find a stunning solitaire diamond engagement ring.
Pretend That You Have Forgotten
If you can bear it, it can be fun to drag the gift-giving process out for as long as you can on February 14th. There is no harm in acting like you have no idea what day it happens to be, but make sure that you judge the mood of your partner perfectly. You don’t want to leave the joke hanging around only to have it go stale and turn the atmosphere sour.
If you can time it just right, the sight of something like a white diamond bangle or heart necklace can send your confused loved one over the moon!
Go Over The Top With Packaging
Who says that pass the parcel is only a game for children? Not us, that’s for sure! A different way to present a fabulous piece of diamond jewelry is with a Russian Doll-type setup.
A white gold diamond eternity ring or a pair of earrings can be placed in a beautiful presentation box, but that box can then be placed inside another, then another, then another, and another! That creates a fun and bemusing few minutes where your partner is opening and opening and opening before finally getting to the treasure within!
And remember, the larger your outer box is, the longer you will be able to stretch out the joke with more and more in-between layers. Of course, if you really want to push the boat out, then you can always make it a true pass-the-parcel experience and have a different jewelry gift in each layer of the package monster!
Make A Surprise Trip To The Jeweler
It can be difficult trying to surprise someone who doesn’t like surprises. Make it a planned surprise.
Go out for a pre-booked Valentine’s Day brunch, and then on the way home pick a route that takes you past a local jeweler. Stop your partner and announce that you want to treat them to a new piece of jewelry.
This is a really good way to get to a proposal where you want your intended to have a say in the choice of engagement ring. With her by your side and making the decision, there’s no anxiety about making the wrong choice of ring. It’s a win-win - a Valentine’s Day proposal and the perfect ring. The pinnacle of romantic gestures.
Go To A Special Place
Different doesn’t have to be dramatic. If you always hand over your Valentine’s gift at home, doing it anywhere else will immediately make it different.
Choose the place where you first met or your first date location, book your favorite restaurant or even take a trip to the beach. At an appropriate moment whip out your rose gold heart pendant or birthstone earrings. It will be the perfect Instagram moment!
Say It With Flowers
If you have a local florist, enlist their help to make a special delivery. Buy your jewelry gift and arrange for it to be delivered along with the bouquet you have chosen. Most florists will be amenable.
Your partner will not only adore the flowers but also that diamond bracelet that screams “I love you” hidden among the blooms.
Two Gifts Are Better than One
Another way to throw your loved one off the scent of a gift of jewelry is to hide it within another gift. There are so many ways you can do this but be sure not to pick something that could cause any damage to the jewelry. It is better if you can think of something that enables the jewelry to stay in its precious little box.
You might hide it inside a brand-new purse or under the garments in a boxed lingerie set. This idea is very flexible.
We think these ideas show you don’t have to get all Hollywood and make a grand OTT gesture to make a Valentine’s day jewelry gift fun and interesting.